Saturday, January 23, 2010

How would you describe yourself in one word?

Holidays had been really fun, but everything must end sometime or another right? I'm sure most of you have already started school. As for me, class just started last week.
Anyways, last week during my Bible class, the students were asked to describe themselves in one word. I thought this was really thought provoking. So I decided to ask you guys the same question. How would you describe yourself in one word? Have some thought about it before reading farther.

I know it is not an easy task to do, but I would like to know how many of you chose the word "blessed". "Blessed" was the word I chose. Looking back at life, I thought about all the good and bad things that have happened. I feel that all these things that had happened were all part of a puzzle that fitted nicely in place as the pieces were put together. Events that I once thought was bad were in fact good, because out of it I learned something. I am reminded that God has a divine plan for my life and that everything that has happened, both good and bad, was part of His perfect plan. I had lived a blessed life and am still living this blessed life. And guess what! If you still don't know, you guys are a blessing to me. Pause and think about the life you have lived. Leave me a comment if you too think you had lived a blessed life, but please do not use the cbox. Just use the comment button at the bottom. Thanks.

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