Thursday, August 20, 2009


The poem to my friends.

At the beginning
I did not know what you were thinking
I did not know if you were my liking
I only know your name was Chung Khiing

Never were you lazy
From the start you were a little crazy
Yet you are my friend
Oh dear Su Ann

We thought you could bend a beam
Because you acted like a him
Only to find out your name was Kym

Unique as a frog
You look scary as a hawk
But Darren Kok you rock!

Ben, your the man
You plan to study SAM ( Southern Australian Matriculation)
I know you can
So don't worry about the exam

Thin and not round as a ball
You love Alvin ( The chipmunk)
And your name is Calvin

Krystal Kok a name with a double "k"
Who lives in KK ( Kota Kemuning)
Well, that's all I can say

Your name is like Krystal Kok but instead of a double "k" it has a double "c"
You are daring and not a sissy
Crystal Chin the Aussie

To all those names written in there please do not take the mean things I have said seriously. It was only meant to be a joke. And to the other friends whose names was not in the poem. Don't worry I have not forgotten about you. I am terribly sorry to say that I have ran out of time to find a rhyme for your names. Stay tuned, there will be another poem coming up.

And if you really have nothing better to do than to read this blog. Here is another poem I wrote a long time ago during one of those hazy days. I had a thought of what hell would be like and that some people are living in hell on earth.

In the dark my eyes lay waste
I could not see through this thick blinding haze
My tears have run dry
Even my fears forbids me to cry

When I pleaded no one could hear
No one seem to know I am here
Living in worry and in fear
I know my end is near

And then came a light
That saved me from the blight
I need not hide
For in me he abide

My Savior and my friend
The one who is my guide
I will not see a terrible end
Because he is on my side

The battle that was lost
Was not without cause
For it has now been won
When I have finally been reborn

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