Friday, June 19, 2009

Smelly, green and pointy.

It’s that time of the year again when you start to see plenty of green pointy substances being sold at the road sides. It is that substance that makes the Angmos (the Whites) say in their deep accent “What is that smell?”.

Just the thought of it causes us Asians to salivate in a Pavlovian fashion. Just the smell of it causes us to have a tingling sensation in our taste buds. And just the sight of it causes us to shout “Oh! Durians.”

Yup durians. It’s here again. The fruit that stinks to high heavens that tastes really good. It’s the only fruit that can draw people from afar to crowd around just to get their hands on a piece of the fruit the moment it is opened.

King of the fruits.

Two weeks ago, before the full arrival of durians, my cousin from the UK had to have some durians before she left. It’s weird that she likes durians, since she is half Chinese half British but I guess the Asian genes in her is dominant. We did manage to find some before she left. But it was the most expensive durian I have ever paid-RM10 for a durian.

Today just before my visit to the dentist my neighbor gave us a load of durians. I was so tempted to eat some before leaving but I managed to resist temptation. Just imagine having durian breath during the dentist visit.

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